2023 NMASLA Executive Committee Position Descriptions

Note: with our updated Strategic Plan made a few weeks ago, we are also making some changes to the roles descriptions. We will publish both very soon!


The President shall be a Full Member elected for a term of one (1) year.  The President wears many hats, but the primary duties are: 

  • Set the time, place, and agenda for meetings of the Executive Committee

  • Preside at meetings of the Chapter and the Executive Committee

  • Represent and act for the Chapter as directed by the Executive Committee and consistent with the policies of the Society as established by the Board of Trustees

  • In consultation with the Executive Committee, appoint the chairs and members of standing committees, other committees, and any special study groups or task forces

  • Serve as a member of the Chapter Presidents Council

  • Oversee the management and administration of Chapter programs and budgets as adopted by the Executive Committee

  • Appoint interim trustees when vacancies occur during term

  • Report on the state of the Chapter at the annual meeting of the Chapter

  • Perform such other duties as are customary for the office of Chapter President, or as may be assigned or delegated by the Executive Committee



The Trustee shall be a Full Member elected for a term of three (3) years.  The trustee shall not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms.  General duties and responsibilities of the office usually include:

  • Be informed on Chapter and Society goals and objectives, policies and procedures, programs and services, and activities and events

  • Serve as an officer on the Executive Committee of the Chapter and serve as the Chapter representative on the Board of Trustees of the Society

  • Facilitate the conduct of the business of the Society by bringing the Chapter perspective to the Board of Trustees and the national perspective to the Executive Committee and members of the Chapter

  • Facilitate the conduct of the business of the Board of Trustees by serving on standing councils or committees, special study groups or task forces, or as a representative or delegate of the Society

  • Perform such other duties as are customary for the office of chapter trustee or as may be assigned or delegated by the Board of Trustees of the Society and the Executive Committee of the Chapter



The President-Elect shall be a Full Member elected for a term of one (1) year and follows with one (1) year as President and one (1) year as Past-President for a total commitment of three (3) years.  Equivalent to a vice president, except that the President-Elect automatically assumes the chapter President position in the following year.  General duties and responsibilities of the office usually include:

  • Assisting the President as needed

  • Presiding in the President’s absence or when called upon by the President

  • Attend mid-year Chapter Presidents’ Council meeting and the ASLA Annual Meeting

  • Coordinate nominations for the Executive Committee



The treasurer shall be a Full or Associate Member elected for a term of one (1) year.  The Treasurer is the “keeper of the funds, and trustee of the accounts and chapter financial records.”  General duties and responsibilities of the office usually include:

  • Receives and disburses funds and should keep a permanent record book showing the detailed account of all monies received and paid out

  • Prepares the Treasurer’s Report for presentation at meetings

  • Regularly checks chapter mailbox (weekly)



The secretary shall be a Full or Associate Member elected for a term of one (1) year.  The Secretary has the primary duties of:

  • Keeping the records (election results tally & announcement, membership in the chapter, recorder of the minutes, chapter constitution and bylaws updates)

  • Acting as a liaison between the other members of the chapter executive committee (i.e. announcements, notices, etc.)

  • Maintaining and updating regularly the chapter’s roster of the membership

  • Email notifications to the membership



The at-large members shall be Full or Associate Members elected for terms of one (1) year.  Members-at-Large represent a cross-section of the chapter, chapter sections, and/or special interest groups.  Duties include attendance at monthly meetings and other tasks which may be agreed upon including membership maintenance and recruitment tasks to keep the chapter vibrant and strong by promoting chapter membership.  This is done through the recruitment and prospecting of new members, as well as the retention and renewal of existing members.  Additional duties and responsibilities of the office include:

  • Welcome new and returning members

  • Renewal reminders

  • Lapsed member follow-up

  • Maintain prospects list

  • Follow-up to National recruitment efforts

  • Coordinates student and new graduate events

  • Participate in the quarterly Membership Chair conference call

  • Updating the chapter website (appointed Website Manager)