Awards gala celebration: November 12, 2016 - get tickets here.
GALA AWARDS CELEBRATION - Sid cutter pilots' Pavilion @ balloon fiesta park
Saturday, November 12, 6pm-10pm. Cocktail attire.
Cocktails, Games, Dinner, Keynote Speaker, Awards Presentation
- $45/person
- $300/table of 8 (save $60)
- $20/student
Directions to the venue: From I-25 and Alameda, head west on Alameda to Balloon Museum Drive; turn north; continue past the Balloon Museum and follow signs to Sid Cutter Pilots' Pavilion. The deadline to purchase tickets is Friday, November 4th.
Professional Entry Categories
1. Design - Constructed Projects
Recognizing excellence in constructed , site-specific landscape architectural design. This category is for projects that have been completed through at least the first phase of development. Projects in this category must be located in New Mexico.
2. Design - Exploratory Projects
Recognizing excellence in design thinking and method for projects that have been designed but not constructed. Projects for which implementation will not occur are eligible under this category. Exploratory projects can be located outside New Mexico.
3. Planning & Analysis
Recognizing large-scale or early phase professional activity that evaluates and/or guides the following landscape architectural practice:
- master plans for commercial, residential, industrial or institutional development; regional transportation; or recreation
- government policies and programs
- legislation ensuring utilization of landscape architecture
- environmental assessments, suitability studies, natural and visual resource inventories, cultural inventories and reports, and post-construction evaluations
4. Landscape Architectural Communication
Recognizing achievements in communicating landscape architecture works, techniques, history or theory to an intended audience. Published or written documents, audio, video, CD or DVD, online communications and other presentations are eligible under this category.
5. Research
Recognizing research projects that identify and investigate challenges posed in landscape architecture, providing results that advance the body of knowledge for the profession.
Eligibility - Professional Categories
Members, Fellows, and Associates of the New Mexico Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects are eligible to enter the awards program. All entries, except those in the Design-Exploratory Projects category, must be located in New Mexico. Projects which have received awards in previous chapter awards programs will not be accepted. Project construction or design (if unrealized) must have been completed within the last ten (10) years.
Qualified individuals may become members of NMASLA in order to enter. For membership information, please go to to join or renew.
Student Categories
1. Individual
Recognizing projects and theses completed by individuals who are current students or recent graduates (within the last 12 months) of the UNM MLA program. Projects do not have to be located within New Mexico.
2. Group
Recognizing projects and completed by two or more individuals working collectively who are current students or recent graduates (within the last 12 months) of the UNM MLA program. Projects do not have to be located within New Mexico.
Eligibility - Student Categories
Students must be members of UNM's Student Chapter ASLA and must either be currently enrolled in UNM's MLA program or must have graduated in the past 12 months (on or before July 15, 2015).
Qualified individuals may become members of the Student Chapter in order to enter. For membership information, please go to to join or renew.
Awards Descriptions
- Award of Excellence: One award may be given from all categories combined, if so determined by a unanimous vote of all the jurors.
- Excellence in Sustainability Award: One award may be given from all categories combined to recognize excellence in sustainability.
- Honor Award: One award may be given in each category for the most outstanding project in that category.
- Merit Award: Any number of awards may be given in each category to recognize superior professional accomplishment.
Members of the Nevada Chapter of ASLA will jury the awards program.
Questions or FEEDBACK?
Contact Aaron Zahm, Awards Committee Chair, at or 505-268-2266.
Thanks to our generous Awards Program sponsors!